Rc.No.ESE02/495/2023-MODAL SCHOOL-CSE, Dated: # ApprovedDate#
Sub:- School Education – A.P. Model Schools – CBSE – To supply/distribution of Printed Lesson Plans of Grade 10 to the Headmasters/Principals of 1000 CBSE Affiliated Govt. Management schools for the Academic Year 2024-25cn – Certain Instructions – Issued –Reg
The Government of A.P have unleashed a new era in school Education by introducing extensive curricular reforms from the academic year 2021-22 and has taken a historical decision to affiliate all the Government schools into CBSE in a phased manner. Accordingly, it has decided to implement the CBSE pattern of exams in 1000 schools in phase I for the year 2023-24. Initially 1,000 Andhra Pradesh Govt. Schools got affiliated to CBSE out of 6684 Secondary / High Schools.
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Further the Printed Lesson Plans in subject wise (English, Maths ,Physical science, Chemistry, Biology, Social science) for grade 10 were developed during the workshops conducted by the CRISP team with the subject experts from CBSE Govt. Affiliated Schools. Accordingly, the Subject Experts have completed the said task and submitted the lesson plans to the Director, SCERT. In turn, the Director, SCERT has approved the prepared lesson plans.
In this context, the Director, AP Govt. Textbooks Press was instructed to supply the Printed Lesson Plans to the O/o the District Educational Officers concerned in the State vide E-mail dated:14.03.2024.
In view of the above, all the District Co-Ordinator who are embedded in the annexure are hereby nominated for the process of disbursement of the Printed lesson plans to the Head Masters/Principals of all 1000 CBSE Affiliated Management Schools in concerned districts and hereby instructed to assist the Concerned District Educational officers in the State in the process of distribution of printed lesson plans, duly obtaining proper acknowledgements from the Head Masters/Principals of all 1000 CBSE Affiliated Govt. Management Schools and submit to the concerned DEOs.
Further, all the District Educational officers in the State are hereby instructed to Co-ordinate with the nominated District Co-Ordinator’s in the process of disbursement of the Printed lesson plans to the Head Masters/Principals of all 1000 CBSE Affiliated Management Schools and submit the acknowledgements received from the District Co-Ordinator concerned to this office duly attested by the concerned District Educational Officers after completing the said work on or before 04.04.2024 (Hard &Soft copy) through Mail-Id: apms.cse@apschooledu.in
The District Wise statement for Distribution of Printed Lesson Plans of Grade 10 along with Acknowledgement receipt is herewith enclosed