Primary Academic Calendar 2024 – 25

SCERT – SCHOOL EDUCATION AP finally released Academic Calendars for Primary and High Schools for the academic year 2024-25.  A detailed summery of School calendar with all information available in this calendar. 

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Schedules of Exams , Holidays, Month wise working Days, Syllabus, Classes Subject Wise Weightage , Tentative Examination Schedule 2024-25, Month IMPORTANT DAYS month wise syllabus, Timings for Primary Schools and High schools, Anandavedika schedule. Roles and Responsibilities of Head Teachers and Teachers, Month wise themes e.t.c available in this Academic calendar.

Primary Academic Calendar: 2024-25

Holidays Information: 

  • General Schools : Dasara Holidays from 04-10-2024 to 13-10-2024,
  • Christmas Holiday 25-12-2024,
  • Pongal Holidays from 10-01-2025 to 19-01-2025.
  •  For Christian minority Institutions : Dasara Holidays from 04-10-2024 to 13-10-2024, Christmas Holidays from 22-12-2024 to 29-12-2024, Pongal Holidaysfrom 11-01-2025 to 15-01-2025.
  •  Optional and Local Holidays may be availed at school level as per the rules in force.
  • Holidays are subjected to change as per Govt. order from time to time.

Month – Wise Working Days – 2024-25: 

1 TO 5 Classes Subject Wise Weightage -2024-25

1. WLR / Lib -We love Reading / Library
2. AV- Ananda Vedika
3. VE – Value Education
4. HE- Health Education
5. MD – Mass Drill
6. Art & Cul – Art and cultural Education
7. PE – Physical Education

Tentative Examination Schedule 2024-25

School Assembly Activities Day Wise: 

School Complex Meetings:

1. School Complex Meetings School complex meetings are discussion forums for teachers at complex level, for Foundational school on various subjects . Organising these trainings at a complex level is one strategy to enhance the capacity of teachers and provide continuous support to the teachers for the improvement of their pedagogy.

This can also be considered as a decentralised and context based support that teachers have access to throughout the academic years. This platform will also be able to provide a space for teachers to identify and develop solutions that they face in classes currently.

Timeline : Complex Meeting Schedule and Agenda for Foundational School.

Foundational School Level Scheduled Day 1 of every month. 50% of primary teachers will attend Scheduled Day 2 of every month remaining 50% of primary teachers will attend. If it is a holiday, school complex meeting will be scheduled on the next working day

We Love Reading: 

  • The main objectives of WLR are effective utilization of school libraries, inculcate reading habit among students and make students as independent life long readers.
  • In the first phase of the programme all schools divided the available books in the school library into 4 levels i.e picture based, single sentence , small para, big stories.
  • Organized BOOK BANK in schools to collect books from donors.
  • Conducted Community Reading Centers to engage students.
  • One period in a week is totally dedicated for library book reading in the timetable.
  • DIET students conducted reading sessions at their village community.

Suggested activities while reading books:

  • 1. Me and my book: After reading the book, everyone has to write their opinion on that book. Like own ideas and feelings about the characters, situations, pictures regard the book.
  • 2) Books in the shelf: Visit Friends and relatives houses. Try to list out the names of the books found with your friends and relatives. Discuss on those books and note down the significance.
  • 3) Picture gallery:Collect old newspapers/magazines and cut pictures which are most liked. Paste those pictures in a notebook. It is the picture gallery.
  • 4) The stories of my friends: Form a group with your friends / classmates. Discuss the stories read, then write those stories in their own words in a notebook.
  • 5) My story bank: Collect stories from the newspapers or magazines. Cut those pages and paste it in a notebook. This will become your story bank.
  • 6) Picture story: Select any pictures from the newspapers or magazines and write a story based on picture.
  • 7) My book: Make your own book with your writings and drawings, display the book on the reopening day

No Bag day for 1 & 2 Classes:

National Educational Policy (2020) suggested that there should be an interconnection between curricular and co-curricular areas. Hence, school should provide multiple opportunities to students to train them in enhancing their creativity and emotional wellbeing. An integrated plotform of arts, crafts and play is necessary for children to learn with joy.

For this purpose, No Bag Day has been introduced for classes 1 & 2. During the No Bag days, children do not get their bags to schools and do not engage in subject-specific academic activities. The First and Third Saturdays in the month are dedicated to nurture the other (Non academic/Co-curricular) aspects of child growth and make learning more fun and holistic. The focus areas on these Saturdays will be on life skills education, English language skills enhancement, physical activities, arts and crafts

Download Primary Schools Academic Calendar 2024-25