Sub :- School Education – SCERT, AP –RIE, Bengaluru is organizing 30 day residential programme (CELT) for Teacher trainers – teachers of High Schools scheduled from 08.07.2024 to 06.08.2024- Regarding.
Ref: – 1.Proc.Rc.No: ESE02-22/24/2024-SCERT dated 18/06/2024 of the commissioner of the School Education,A.P., Amaravati. 2.RIE/TRG/CELT/SEC-CRS-1/AP-TN/2024-2025 Dated 06.06.2024 of the Director RIESI, Bangalore
The attention of all the District Educational Ofcers in the State are invited to the reference 2nd read above wherein the Director, RIESI, Bangalore has informed that the Regional Institute of English, South India, Jnanabharathi Campus, Bangalore is proposed to conduct 30-day Certifcate Course in English Language Teaching for High School Teachers and Teacher trainers from 08.07.2024 to 06.08.2024.
Hence the concerned District Educational ofcers are requested to relieve selected teachers from diferent districts who are teaching English at High school level (Annexure enclosed) and to depute them well in advance so as to reach the venue RIESI, Bengaluru to attend the training programme from 08.07.2024 to 06.08.2024
This has got the Approval of the Commissioner of School Education, Andhra Pradesh, Amaravathi.