Celebrations of Shiksha Saptah from July 22th-28th, 2024 day wise programs

RC. No-SS-15021/20/2024-SAMO-SSA 11/07/2024

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Sub: SIEMAT-Samagra Shiksha-AP: Celebrations of Shiksha Saptah from July 22th-28th, 2024 on the eve of the 4th Anniversary of the National Education policy (NEP) 2020- Certain instructions -issued.

Ref: D.O.No.02-05/2024-IS.14, dt.9th July,2024 from the Secretary, DoS &L, GoI, New Delhi.

It is to inform that the Secretary, DoSE&L, MoE, GoI has informed that Shiksha Saptah has to be celebrated on the eve of 4th anniversary of National Education Policy (NEP), 2020 from July 22nd-28th , 2024, and this momentous occasion presents a significant opportunity to reflect on the transformative reforms introduced by the NEP- 2020 and to reiterate our commitment to advancing education across the nation .

Further, Secretary has stated that Shiksha Saptah aims to foster the spirit of collaboration and innovation among learners , educators, policy makers and Stake holders in the Education sector and provides platform to share best practices , discuss challenges like a path forwarded towards realizing the vision outlined in the NEP 2020 at grass root levels

In this regard, it is in formred that this event is organized under the ambit of the Ministry of Education , Government of India which aims to present a common platform to resonate and live the spirit of achievements gained over past four years of NEP- 2020 implementation . SHIKSHA SAPTAH – each day of the week is dedicated to a specific theme showcasing various aspects of education and development

The details of the planned days to be be observed during Shiksha Saptah are given below .

Day -1: Monday -July 22,2024- (Anneure-1) TLM( Teaching Learning Material) Encouraging teachers to showcase TLM File No.SS-15021/20/2024-SAMO-SSA based on the local context and use it in the Teaching Learning Process.

Day -2: Tuesday July,23,2024 (Annexure 2) FLN day -Generating great awareness among all stake holders forsuccessfull implementation of NIPUN FLN Mission

Day- 3: Wednesday- July 24th ,2024( Annexure 3) Sports day- organizing sports competetions to highlight the significance of sports and fitness amongst learners

Day -4: Thursday July 25th ,2024 (Annexure 4) Cultural day- special cultural day to be organized for inculcating a sense of unity and diversity amongst learners.

Day-5: Friday- July 26th, 2024 (Annexure 5) Skill and Digital initiative Day-Recognizing the changing nature of Job profiles and the need for the new skills reflecting upon the digital initiatives for enhancing over all classroom experiences  Skill education and building a competent and competitive work force( (Annexure- 5a)  Technology in Education Divas (Annexure5-b)

Day -6: Saturday- July 27th, 2024 ( Annexure 6) Eco Clubs for mission Life activities/ school nutrition dayEstablishment of New Eco clubs in Schools and organizing plantation drive in schools under plant 4 mother initiativeto strenthen the bond between the students and their mothers and Mother earth

Day-7 :Sunday July 28th 2024( annexure-) Community involvement day-Fostering collaboration with local communities SMCs,NTA/PTA, PRIs for socioemotional well being of students and providing an eco system for skill development ( celebrating birth days and Special occasions(Thidhi Bhojans)involving the community as a whole

In addition,two days of activities may be conducted at Block/ District level in corresponding DIETS and one day may be celebrated at the State level by SCERT during the SHIKSHA SAPTAH to make it more inclusive and expansive

In this regard, State Project Director will be the Nodal officer for SHIKSHA SAPTAH .a Google tracker link for collecting data and upload the same including photographs and videos will be sent to all districts.

Hence, all District Educational Officers and Additional project Coordinators of Samagra shiksha are requested to conduct Shiksha Saptah (day wise theme wise) events in all schools and spread the awareness among all school children and stake holders to know about SHIKSHA SAPTAH celebrations and circulate salient features of NEP -2020 so as to familiarize them with NEP, 2020 in their daily life.

Keeping this in view a reporting and monitoring template for all the proposed seven days activities are here with shared for reporting the progress to DoSE&L, Ministry of Edn., Govt. of India directly duly sharing the same to Vidyanjali. email – siematap@gmail.com

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