RC. No ESE02-36/253/2021-APMS CSE Date:13/08/2023
Sub : School Education – A.P. Model Schools – work load as per staf pattern , SCERT AND BIE, AP Calender – Certain Instructions – Issued – Reg
Ref: 1. G.O.Ms.No.254 Fin. (SMPC-1) Dept. Dt. 03-12-2011. 2. This office Lr.RC.No.504APMS42018, Dt: 23-01-2018. 3. This office Proc.Rc.No.5614AAMO4APMS42020, Dated.29.12.2020 4. Rc.No.ESE02-36425342021-APMS-CSE Dated:2441142021 5. SCERT Academic Calendar 2022-23. 6. Representations of the Staf and Principals of APMS
The Andhra Pradesh Model Schools were established to catering the needs of Educationally Backward Mandals to provide quality education on par with the Kendriya Vidyalaya template. The Government of India has sanctioned 164 Model Schools across the State of Andhra Pradesh functioning from the Academic Year 2013-14 with English as a Medium of instruction as Co-educational schools
Initially, 12 PGTs, and 7 TGTs, were allotted as Cadre strength. Later, the cadre strength of the school was modified to 13 PGTs & 6 TGTs.
This led to the unequal workload distribution among the staff in Model schools. Model school associations and teachers have submitted representations and requested to review the workload and issue guidelines for the smooth functioning of the schools by distributing the equal workload to all the staff working in model schools.
Now, after careful examination of the matter, the commissioner of school education is hereby issuing the following comprehensive work distribution guidelines for the smooth running of the Model Schools in the State.
1. Principals are empowered to utilize the services of all staff to improve the standards of students and to achieve the better results of Model Schools
2. Principals are instructed to utilize concern subject teachers. a. i.e PGT- physics shall deal physics to 9 & 10 of all four sections and must take responsibility of one section each of 9 th and 10th classes
3. PGT-chemistry shall deal chemistry to 9 & 10 of all four sections and must take responsibility of one section each of 9th and 10th classes.
4. If either PGT –physics or PGT- chemistry is vacant then the available teacher should teach both physics and chemistry for 9th and 10th classes.
5. PGT- Economics and PGT- Civics services shall be utilized to handle social subject for 9 & 10 classes
6. If Either PGT- Economics or PGT- Civics post is vacant then PGTcommerce should be allotted social studies to 9&10 classes.
7. If Both PGT- Economics and PGT- Civics are available PGTcommerce service should be allotted to needy classes.
8. TGT science, TGT maths and TGT Social must take weekly two periods for NNMS.
9. PGTs of group subjects shall teach AP EAPCET, NEET etc coaching . One period or two periods per week per subject.
10.Vocational teachers services shall be utilized on need basis.
11.If one VT is vacant , then existing VT should teach common topics ( where ever there is possibility.)
12.Wherever there is limited workload for PGT English due to limited strength of Intermediate PGT English Teachers may be utilized for Communication Skill sessions of all classes.
13.Principals shall ensure that all the staf must get equal workload with minimum 36 period work load.
14.Principal may engage minimum 6 periods in a week.
15.All the teachers must submit the teaching diary and relevant lesson plans to the Principal and get prior approval.
16.Principal shall instruct the teacher to prepare annual plans , lesson plans and TLM’s time to time and to preserve all these books for inspection at the time of officials visit.
17.Principal shall maintain a substitution work4period register for the allotment of the same in place of teachers who were on leave 4absence on a daily basis( foating duty register).
18.Principal shall observe classes regularly and preserve observation report.
19.All the principals are instructed to implement the time table and work load mentioned in annexure -I&II scrupulously

Download proceedings and proposed Workload tables here